Ariana has this furniture left to her by her parents but is it just furniture? thanks for viewing.
The spirit board in CHARMED. thanks for viewing.
Ariana loves her candles they represent peace for her so she can have some in her supernatural going on in her life. thanks for viewing.
Page on the bridge with Henry starting a new beginning thanks for viewing.
The bridge that holds the key to the end or is it the beginning for Ariana thanks for viewing.
Leo and Piper there hands have meet for some time now and they are joining hands now forever thanks for viewing.
Star bright star light keep this wish i make this night on all theses stars i wish i might have this wish that i wish Ariana closed her eyes as she said the words, thanks for viewing.
Sitting watching the moon set at night should give someone happy thoughts but for Ariana it did not, thanks for viewing.
The blue moon in CHARMED was a bad time for them, thanks for viewing.
In this CHARMED the night sky told them that something special is going to happen to night can you remember if you watched it ?, thanks for viewing.
Once every few years the sky has a strange glow what is this telling us that supernatural events are here all around the world and what does this mean for Ariana, thanks for viewing.
The hand of a stranger shakes Ariana hand to say nice to meet you at last and a warm feeling ran though her like an static shock was that good or bad wait and see. thanks for viewing.
Piper and Leo have something real but has its up side and down sides in CHARMED some good and some not so good, thanks for viewing.
The stranger that Ariana meets has a real sense of Deja vu something that is making things real for her, thanks for viewing.
He we see that in CHARMED the dust that Sam used had a forget effect on the girls that was kind of supernatural , thanks for viewing.
Blowing some flower petal to and make a wish is it superstition nonsense or an natural belief in something like supernatural events that could happen, thanks or viewing.
In CHARMED they used the our glass to reset time over to gain what they want but was it right and did it work, thanks for viewing.
The world is sitting on a time loop when the sand runs into the bottom glass the loop starts again the sand falls were it should some times their is a land slide what dose this mean for Ariana , thanks for viewing.
Theses short story's are not just no magical they are happenings that my be trying to get you attention, thanks for viewing.
Beaware of the signs is not just a book of stories its well well come to our world